How compares with dux-soup-logo Dux-Soup

In this report we'll compare vs

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Dux-Soup Features

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Dux-Soup Customer Service

This review was updated on 5 Jun 2024

Is a better alternative to Dux-Soup?

Dux-Soup, like, automates LinkedIn lead generation and both save a lot of time for any marketer, salesperson and small business owner. can be good also for recruiters thanks to the rich profiles that include full career history and professional skills of each contact. does LinkedIn and Email automation too. This is the first big difference.

Dux-Soup claims to be "the #1 Lead Generation tool" and has been on the market since July 2015. This is good, but also an indicator of some 'old' technologies being applied. A technology based on DOM modification and HTML injection that sometimes 'upsets' LinkedIn's mood - so to speak 😉 simply because this is traceable and somewhat invasive for LinkedIn. doesn't use such technology and is much gentler on LinkedIn servers. Most of the operations are totally transparent and undetectable.
Being so gentle and stealthy, can step on the accelerator with no problem. It's up to you how fast you want to drive 😀.

Operational differences

Dux-Soup "is" a Chrome browser extension that you can download. Similarly, offers a free Chrome browser extension, but this is just an add-on for, as the primary application is the platform.
With Dux-Soup, you manage your campaign actions directly from the browser plugin extension. There's also a 'Dux-Dash', albeit limited to editing and tracking campaigns.
However, some users have noted that Dux-Soup's user interface lacks intuitiveness.

Dux-Soup can endorse skills of your connections, subscribe to updates from connected profiles, and send personalized images.

Conversely, not only provides the Chrome extension but also a robust platform: "". The Chrome extension mainly acts as an interface to easily operating imports from the internet page you're browsing, such as LinkedIn or others.
The real power lies within the "" pages, featuring several control dashboards to monitor, edit, and create new custom campaigns, along with detailed dashboards dedicated to prospects participating in campaigns.

Note that the "Pro" subscription of Dux-Soup can run only one campaign at a time. This is not a limit for

With Dux-Soup, you select the "list" from a LinkedIn search result and enroll those prospects into a campaign. However, further reviews of leads or personal annotations aren't possible.
You can only set Dux-Soup to skip certain prospects based on conditions like "Premium subscription", if it is "outside your network", "skip the profiles visited in the last 7 days" and others.

In contrast, provides you with a database to select and clean your lists with many filters available for pre-screening participants.
Additionally, from the platform and from the plugin as well, with you can assign tags, write notes, and insert people into custom pipelines.

Prospects can be brought to your "Contact" list in for further review, where you can apply additional custom filters, check past activity logs, and rank prospects based on your criteria.

Then, you can bring all your prospects to your "Contact" list in for further review (if needed), add or remove leads, apply additional custom filters, easily check past activity logs with those contacts, your tags, any LinkedIn indicator like "Open to work" or if they're "1st connections", if and when you have already contacted that person, etc.
With you can also rank prospects on your lists, based on your custom set criteria, so you will be able to choose only the prospects that best suit your campaign instead of unnecessarily spamming people who don't fit. focuses on working with people rather than just campaigns, allowing you to properly build your network and maintain it by keeping up-to-date profiles of every contact you have.

In you enroll your selection of people to your campaigns, this can be done in bulk, or individually, whenever you find new fits.
Once you've set-up multiple campaigns, you can assign the best fits to those campaigns anytime.

To make these selections in, you no longer need LinkedIn.

This is because stores the full profiles and the interaction history of all your contacts, even those that were rejected or who have already completed some previous campaigns. You will also see when somebody was enrolled in more than one campaign along several months.
In this way, with, you can easily build a good network of contacts who may not show interest today, but maybe tomorrow, and thanks to the trust you build, if you're working with CEOs and Directors, they may very likely also become future clients.
Especially in recruitment this is very valuable 😀.

Let's say is "People-centered" and Dux-Soup is "Campaign-centered".

In you will keep a complete history of all the interactions you have had with all your contacts and you will be able to continue a long-term relationship with each of them.
In Dux-Soup everything will start and end within each single campaign, unless you export and use a dedicated external CRM for this.


With Dux-Soup you should use Sales Navigator to perform the search, you have to scroll through the list of resulting people and enroll those selected in the campaign you have predefined.
You can take different types of LinkedIn lists: people who reacted to a post, employees of a company, etc.

When you visit and review a profile, you can leave notes and tags, based on your observations. On Dux-Soup the number of these tags is counted and you need to buy higher plans to get more (you can only tag 100 people for free).
In the tags and annotations you can give to your potential customers are free and unlimited, there's also no limit on how many different tags you can create. Profile annotations in can also be shared and mixed with other members of your own workgroup (and, yes, you can also have multiple WorkGroups in each with different teams allocated to them).

The same operation is possible with but when you need further fine-tuning, you can enroll prospects to your campaigns in a more structured way.
In you can collect lists of people from LinkedIn searches or from other possible sources, you can use filtering and ranking tools available within to further screen and select. You will be able to set your own custom filtering and ranking criteria, such as, for example, an interaction in the past, or the time elapsed since your last contact, and finally enroll the chosen prospects to any of your pre-set campaigns.

So Dux-Soup, is great at running one-off outreach campaigns by providing it a list of people, and is best when you are interested in a long-term relationship with your audience by sending one or more campaigns while also automatically tracking each interaction with your prospects. is catered to recruiting processes, providing complete profiles with a fully detailed career history, skills, education, and more. In bulk, you can auto-update all contacts ensuring that you always have the latest data.

In Dux-Soup people's profiles are just name, role and company and in practice you can't do much other than export because they are simply lists to attach to a campaign.

Campaign management

For Dux-Soup the 'campaign' is simply a sequence of optional Actions that you should turn on/off from a setting page. Possible actions that you can perform automatically are: connection request, sending messages to 1st connections and some additional LinkedIn actions.

You have to buy the top Dux-Soup plan (Turbo Dux) to get the campaign features. With that, you can have a sequence of up to 12 messages and compose your messages with the auto-compiled variables: name, role and company.

With the customization can be more advanced, the available auto-compiling variables include any piece of data within the Contact, and the outreach campaign includes several possible actions, customized delays and conditional event handlers.

As suggested by Dux-Soup itself, you are encouraged to integrate Dux-Soup with an external CRM to manage your contacts, while with you have the possibility to save money and data-transfer time, because you already have these features integrated into Jobin.

Directly within, you can manage your contacts with filters and selections and from where to start your campaigns in bulk. You can also export and import your list of people in and out of at any time.

The biggest difference is that can handle LinkedIn automation and email automation as well. Dux-Soup only has LinkedIn automation. has advanced management of both work and personal emails with automatic detection and their correct use according to your messaging needs. In case of a missing email can automatically find it on request even during an ongoing campaign, thanks to its built in email finder.

In you can create multi-channel messaging campaigns using both LinkedIn and email outreach interchangeably.


Both Dux-Soup and have some sort of throttling system and are able to mimic human behavior to perform LinkedIn activities. In other words, both tools "do not perform operations in a quantity and speed that is easily identifiable as robotic".

However, Dux-Soup's outdated technology can't go in 'stealth' mode and you can't safely bypass LinkedIn's weekly invite limit or number of page visits, etc.
The Dux-Soup's Chrome plug-in simply mimics the click of your mouse, which is OK, but it's therefore limited by LinkedIn's Profile visit limits. follows the same concept, but also has more advanced technology allowing unlimited profile imports without triggering any profile visit, even the 100 a week connection invitation limit can in fact be bypassed.


The Dux-Soup's Free plan only allows you to auto-visit LinkedIn profiles and scan them, and so it doesn't actually provide any particular value.'s Free forever plan has a much larger package of features which allows you to freely source, filter and create unlimited lists of Prospects, send invitations in bulk, send LinkedIn messages, and send 100 bulk emails per day. Automatically when sourcing Jobin will extract email and telephone numbers for you. also includes 5 free Contact finder credits, if you want to find contact details even outside of LinkedIn.

Both and Dux-Soup offer a 14-day trial to test one or more premium solutions.

In prices are modular allowing you to pick exactly which features you want. Module prices range from $8.99 and average around $36 for the Ultimate plans. You also have the advantage of being able to upgrade/top-up or downgrade at any time.

Dux-Soup accepts purchases exclusively in Euros (they're from the Netherlands) the "Pro" plan at €12.99 does not offer Campaign and lead management, requiring the "Turbo" plan at €49.00/month

If you have found anything that needs to be corrected or updated, please contact: product-comparison-committee

Features comparison: vs Dux-Soup

Free Trial
14 days
14 days
Tutorial environment / sandbox
Free Forever Plan
Cost of standard Plan
€36.25 (only in Euro)
Email finder
Free from LinkedIn + credits
Only in 'Turbo' plan + credits
Throttling system on messaging
Advanced LinkedIn analytics
Compatibility with LinkedIn accounts
Free, Premium, Sales Navigator and Recruiter
Free, Sales Navigator,
Recruiter (only with Pro)
Advanced automation customization
Just on/off list of actions
Email automation
Cancel pending connections requests
Prospects profiles
Team work possibility
Interactions and messaging timeline
limited accessibility and info, only in Turbo plan
De-Duplication system with smart merge
Funnel flow
No customization, limited to LinkedIn actions, only in Turbo plan
Customer support
Live chat with humans 24/7
Max call 15 min, "Booster & Technical Sessions" billed at $79.95/hour
Modular price system (buy only what you need)

Final Score is:


Both and DuxSoup save a lot of time for any recruiter and professional who needs to communicate on a large scale using both LinkedIn messaging, invitation to connect, and emails (but Dux-Soup doesn't handle emails). works with a full-profile database at ATS/CRM level that includes advanced filtering, ranking and pipelines workflow management. All this is missing in DuxSoup which instead relies on integration with external software.

The sourcing capabilities in are complemented with an advanced LinkedIn automation package (which includes LinkedIn group members, events, posts, etc.). In DuxSoup interaction with LinkedIn is limited to a basic scan tool of the search results.

The two products also differ in their Free Plan. DuxSoup has an almost useless free plan that it's just for marketing purposes., on the other hand, has a fairly functional free plan that can be used when you have the basic requirements. Then, offers you a 14-day of free trial for any solution upgrade you want. This modularity and flexibility is a great money saver because you can only upgrade the functions you really need, and when you need them. manages full profiles (which include career history, skills and achievements) and allows tagging and annotation, as well as pipeline management for all your contacts.
In you also have the ability to filter, rank, auto update and select groups from your contacts for proper inclusion in messaging campaigns that simply does not exist in DuxSoup. is an all-in-one package with multiple modular solutions to find, screen and outreach people with email and LinkedIn.
DuxSoup focuses on email sending and pipeline management. But you have to buy the top DuxSoup plan to get it.

It seems obvious to decide which product offers the best Value for Money and we can absolutely say that is a better alternative to Dux-Soup. is a better Dux-Soup alternative